Are you struggling with a mound of debt? Are you trying to save money? Sick of living paycheck to paycheck? If you’re finding that taking control of your finances is a challenge, it may be that you need to start letting go of the past. What if it was possible to take control of your finances […]
pay off debt
The Time Value of Opportunity – Filling The Pig Personal Finance Books
The time value of opportunity is the ability to recognize money saving or money making opportunities (events) that will benefit you over the course of a lifetime. The key word being recognize. For example, in relationship to vehicle insurance. Most think of vehicle insurance as a single annual occurrence. You pay your premium every year […]
How to Pay Off Debt Fast Using the Snowball Method
It’s not rocket science. However, you do need to understand how the Snowball Method works to pay off debt fast. Download the FTP Workbook and use the simple debt worksheet to start paying off your debt. If you have researched the Internet you’re probably aware of all the different methods and recommendations to pay off […]
Saving Cash, Paying Off Debt, and Staying Motivated – When Pigs Fly
If you have made the decision to save cash, pay off debt and create a new lifestyle – great job. I assure you, the plan you have will create many opportunities for you and your family in the future. As you implement your plan and travel down the road to financial freedom, you […]